The other day I watched one my all-time favorite films, Mirrormask.
Also recently, I have begun to feel melancholic.
Lately I've been asking myself "Where is my adventure?"

Don't get me wrong -- I love life.
I love my family.
I love my friends.
I love my school. 
. . . But really . . .
Where's my adventure?

Take Mirrormask for example. 
A girl who is fifteen goes with a young man to search for something
(not giving the whole plot away here) to help re-awaken the Queen of Light.

And Mirrormask is not the only example out there.
I read about such adventures in books -- my personal favorites being The Hobbit and The Star of Kazan.

And there are even non-fictional examples, such as the life of Julia Child!

But what about me?

Where's my adventure?

I may be seventeen, but that shouldn't mean my life should be boring.

Like I said before, I've read stories of girls and boys younger than I off to
wondrous worlds full of constant conflict and resolution -- excitement.

But here I am, sitting and flipping the pages in joy as if I was them.

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