Before I begin, let me just share some awesome news:
Yes, I wrote the stuff in hot pink...
Okay, now onto my tips!
...Oh yeah, one more thing...

Remember - I am simply a teenager who is giving these tips. If you are a full-grown adult looking for help, by all means - look here! But remember that I am still in high school, giving tips to fellow high schoolers.

Now I can go!
Tip #1: Show your enthusiasm.
(And not in a Barbie way - be real.)

No one, and I mean NO ONE, wants to hire a stick in the mud. But don't be a grinning fool either - you might end up looking like a Barbie bobble head.
Tip #2: Research the company.
(Except I doubt you'll be using books...)
Besides finding out who you'll be working for, it helps to know what the company's goals are for the future, what they find important, ect. Plus, I personally have found it helps to throw their own words back at them.
Tip #3: Actually be interviewed face-to-face.
(Unless you have have a really good reason not to.)
To be completely honest, I am shy around people (especially adults) I do not know that well. But when you are interviewed in person - your interviewer can see your zeal, which cannot be heard over the phone unless you scream at the top of your lungs. (Which probably won't do you any good.)

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