Oh tulip tree, you could have fooled me . . .

I almost mistakenly took your white flower pedals as snow but then I saw them fall as small, growing green leaves begin to take their place and I remembered that I was walking in 90 degrees weather . . .

And yes, spring hasn't officially been around for even month!!!
Maybe this is really a list of pet peeves, but whatever. It's late at night and I am having cramps, so why not?

For those out there who are new to the Washington DC area or are planning to visit or just feel like reading this, allow me to warn you.

This is a list of three little pet peeves I have when summer hits the nation's capital,

Let's begin!

1. The Heat (A No-Brainer)
(It gets hot in the city. And I mean HOT. It can get up to 100 degrees sometimes!)

2. Bugs
(Along with the heat and living on a city built on a swamp come mosquitoes. I don't know about you guys, but killing a bug that has just sucked your blood and then getting your blood back after killing is not a fun experience.)

3. Sticky Sweat
(Maybe it's just me, but my legs begin to sweat in the summer months - making crossing and uncrossing them feel like I am ripping Gorilla Glue off my skin!)

*EDIT: (from a day later) The tulip trees are now losing all their flowers and are
going leaves even though the flowers have only been around for less than a week!!!
4/17/2013 11:38:22 am

this is awesome! Paris is so cool, I completely agree... nice blog!

4/17/2013 01:17:10 pm

Merci beaucoup!! :D


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