Yesterday I wore my pillbox hat from Sur La Tete, along with my vintage black
gloves (belonged to my grandmother), my black flats, and my professional-looking blue
dress from Coldwater Creek
. . . Let's just say the elderly enjoyed my look while the middle-age construction
worked along Van-Ness looked at me as if I was the Mad Hatter. . . 

We've all been there.

Whether it be something as simple as asking a question in class to giving a speech on why people should vote for you for the next class rep.

And the tip that you should just imagine everybody in their underwear does not help.

In fact, you just might go red in embarrassment or pale in disgust - neither of which are very helpful when it comes to talking to an audience. 
So here are my tips to help you get over your fear of public speaking!

(And by the way, none of them relate to undergarments - so don't worry.)

This is my closet.
From the exterior, it might just look like two doors with two French posters pasted on them . . .
. . . But . . .
. . . It's really a reflection of my personality and personal style . . .

Before I begin, let me just share some awesome news:
Yes, I wrote the stuff in hot pink...
Okay, now onto my tips!
...Oh yeah, one more thing...

Remember - I am simply a teenager who is giving these tips. If you are a full-grown adult looking for help, by all means - look here! But remember that I am still in high school, giving tips to fellow high schoolers.

Now I can go!

Before I begin, I shall inform you that I have type 3A - 3B hair.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about check out this link: _ 
Or you can look at this horrible quality picture of the back of my head.
(Please excuse my lame exercise attire I am wearing at the moment!)
Ignore the shirt, focus on the curls. Thank you.